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We are getting closer!

We are getting so close!

By June, we will be in Ohio and preparing to leave for Cambodia in August.

It’s all starting to happen!  We are on our way to Cambodia!  On May 31, we will leave Florida in a moving truck bound for Chillicothe, Ohio.  We will store our things long-term at my (Vikki) dad’s house and we will travel and share in as many churches, small groups and friend’s homes as we can.  We will tie up loose ends and start packing for our international move. Excitement, anxiety, sadness and thanksgiving all flood our hearts. What a mix of emotion!.  As I write this, Shannon is in Cambodia. He is meeting the with Adventures staff before they all depart, he is meeting existing ministry partners, he is seeking our new partners and he is looking for a home for us.  We are so grateful for all the prayers and financial support that have gotten us this far. We are amazed at how God has been in each and every detail of this transition in our lives.


Here’s all the information you need:

As we near our time to leave, we will have some new ways to contact us:

Shannon and I will have US phone numbers that can reach us wherever we are in the world with no overseas call charges.  You can call or text our numbers. Our numbers and email addresses are:

Shannon:  770-376-0544 [email protected]

Vikki:    770-322-4147             [email protected]

We will only be sending out our newsletter by email.  If you do not already receive it, just send us your email and we will add you to the list.  Mailing newsletters from Cambodia is very expensive and unreliable. You can also keep up with us on our blog.  The address is [email protected]  

If you are not part of our support team and would like to join, we need you!  We are still trying to finish raising the last of the support we need for serving at Adventures..  You can give in the following ways

You can mail a check either to Adventures in Missions or the Christian Union Mission Board.  The addresses are:

Christian Union Missions Board:    905 Ethel Ave., Heath Ohio 43056 or

Adventures in Missions:    P.O. Box 742570, Atlanta, GA  30374

Just make sure to put our name in the memo section of the check.  

You can also give online at  Click on Donate and choose “staff” in the “people” box.   You can choose to make your donation recurring there if you want.

Also, there is a donate link on our blog page:

Please keep us in prayer as we pack and prepare.  It’s almost overwhelming to determine what are the most important things to take when you only get 100 pounds of luggage each.  Pray that we can raise the rest of our support and pray for our hearts and the hearts of our family and friends as we say farewell.   

Thank you for your fellowship in the Gospel and for your faithful prayers and support.  You all are awesome!


With love,

Shannon and Vikki Bobb


One comment

  1. I hope you and your family know how beyond proud we are of you! Our church is so thankful that we can call you “one of our own”. Our prayers are always with you, but it will be a sad day when we say goodbye long term. God has used you all tremendously in the past and we can see how he is still using you for His glory and the building up of His Kingdom. You are so blessed and so are we, just to know you. Our love and prayers will follow you wherever you go.

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